UPDATE 2016: You *can* get the caption inserted with a Quick Table - you just have to select the table AND its caption when creating it and the caption is added automatically (and adjusts the table numbering) when you insert the Quick Table. So this solution takes Quick Tables a couple of steps further. While Quick Tables are an option, you won’t get the caption inserted with them. if they’re in section 2, you want the tables they insert in section 2 to be numbered Table 2-1, Table 2-2 etc.). The caption is to include the chapter number and a sequential caption number (e.g. Your template uses outline heading numbering, so you want a table caption to be inserted at the same time as you insert the table. merge cells) without those modifications affecting anything else. Once they’ve inserted a table, the author has to be able to modify it (e.g. The tables all need to be formatted the same - same header row shading, height alignment and style same border color and width same table row height, alignment and style. So you need to add something to the template that allows them to press a couple of keys and get both a preformatted table and an automated caption inserted. You need to make it easy for your authors to insert many tables in their documents.
If you are using Word 2003 or earlier, I hope to share a much longer macro with you in a few weeks that does something similar but without the formatting. NOTE: These instructions only work for Word 2007 and later they use Building Blocks, which are only available in these versions of Word.